Amir Adnani: Opportunity in Uranium is the Best in Decades
Uranium is the ultimate contrarian investment and the most hated commodity because of it’s use in nuclear power, but recently environmental groups have gotten behind nuclear power. Nuclear power is 20% of US power overall. The constant power generation and the ability to store power make nuclear the backbone of the electricity grid.
The uranium market could be at a turning point, as all the classic signs for a commodity being at or near a bottom appear to be present right now for uranium. China unveiled a 5 year plan in March to go from 27 gigawatts to 160 gigawatts of nuclear power generation by 2040. With $700 billion in nuclear investments, long term fundamentals continue to be incredibly positive. More and more reactors are coming online and the next 10- 20 years will be some of the most spectacular for the nuclear industry
At Uranium Energy Corp, new institutional investors are piling in and taking strong positions as shown by the latest insider filings. UEC anticipates being at an advanced stage for a third fully permitted project in south Texas, and the company has expanded their footprint and portfolio in the US and abroad. JP Morgan Asset Management, Black Rock, and Goldman Sach’s have all recently added to, or initiated new positions in the company.
Talking points from this week’s interview:
· Uranium is the ultimate contrarian investment
· Nuclear power is CO2 emissions free power generation
· The uranuim price is likely to adjust up
· The picture for nuclear power is the best we have seen in 10 years
Mr. Amir Adnani co-founded Uranium Energy Corp. and has been its President and Chief Executive Officer since January 24, 2005. Mr. Adnani is the Founder of Brazil Resources Inc. Mr. Adnani is an entrepreneur with extensive background in business development and marketing. He founded Blender Media Inc. and served as its President. Mr. Adnani Co-Founded Fort Sun Investments Inc. in June 2001 and served as its Officer from June 2001 to September 2004. He has many contacts throughout the minerals exploration and financial communities. He has been the Chairman of the Board at Brazil Resources Inc. since August 2010. Mr. Adnani served as the Executive Chairman of Uranium Energy Corp. since January 24, 2005. He has been a Non-Independent Director at Brazil Resources Inc., since August 18, 2010 and Garnero Group Acquisition Company since June 2014. He has been an Executive Director at Uranium Energy Corp. since January 24, 2005. He served as a Director of Blender Media Inc. from 2004 to 2006. He served as a Director of Fort Sun Investments Inc. from June 2001 to September 2004. He served as a Director of Hydrocarb Energy Corporation (alternate name, Strategic American Oil Corporation) from April 2006 to November 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia.