Peeyush Varshney: High Grade Zinc in Northeastern BC
Peeyush is CEO of Canada Zinc Metals Corp. and he gives a presentation on the zinc market and the companies exploration project. He says there are very few zinc juniors and many have projects that may never go anywhere. There are only a small handful of companies that will be successful in this space. Their exploration projects are located in British Columbia.
They have two projects the Akie and Kechika Regional deposits. They have excellent grades in a good jurisdiction. They have a vast region claimed which is over 140 km in length with sizable resource potential.
Zinc is the third most used nonferrous metal and often used in rust-proofing other metals. Zinc is primarily used in infrastructure. Supply seems to be drying up as a number of mines have been depleted and shut down. These ongoing closures will result in 15% of current supply going offline. Very few mines are coming on to replace it. There is a structural deficit predicted through 2020 and demand is predicted to increase significantly through 2025.
Mr. Varshney feels they are undervalued and that they have a tremendous opportunity. A number of large companies are invested and interested.
Their project is accessible by vehicle, and there are good forestry roads that connect to rail lines. Large-scale power infrastructure is also nearby. They are looking at an underground mine, and they have permits for underground exploration. He details their intercepts and the layout of the ore body. He says they are finding higher grades as they explore deeper. He feels there may be additional resources nearby.
Talking Points From This Week’s Episode
• Zinc supply is headed toward deficits.
• Few mines are coming online to replace this deficit.
• They have a good project in an excellent jurisdiction.
• Infrastructure is nearby.
Mr. Peeyush Varshney is CEO, Chairman & President of Canada Zinc Metals Corp. Peeyush has been actively involved in the capital markets since 1996 and has been a principal of Varshney Capital Corp., a private merchant banking, venture capital and corporate advisory firm since 1996. Mr. Varshney obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree (Finance) in 1989 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1993, both from the University of British Columbia. He then articled at a large regional business law firm in Vancouver, British Columbia, from 1993 to 1994, and has been a member of the Law Society of British Columbia since September 1994. Mr. Varshney is also director of TSX listed Mountain Province Diamonds Inc., and TSX Venture Exchange listed Canada Zinc Metals Corp.