Justin Smyth: Gold and Uranium Stage 2 Breakouts are Here!
We welcome Justin Smyth back to the program. Justin is a big proponent of Stan Weinstein’s Stage Analysis methodology. He explains why it’s an excellent system to determine if a market sector is in an uptrend or downtrend. Gold is currently in a stage two breakout, and Justin expects the juniors will follow soon. He gives us his thoughts on uranium and palladium and the sectors that are breaking out in the general equity markets.
Time Stamp References:
0:30 – Overview of Stage analysis.
2:10 – A blind approach to charts.
3:10 – Risks of bottoms.
4:45 – Whats performing well now.
8:35 – What to look for in a stage 2 breakout.
10:15 – Juniors and palladium.
11:45 – Uranium V bounce breakout.
Talking Points From This Episode
• Stage Analysis trend following
• Dangers of picking bottoms
• Sectors that are breaking out.
• Palladium and Uranium.
Justin Smyth is the editor of www.nextbigtrade.com, and the YouTube channel nextbigttrade. He believes that identifying trends and changes are one of the keys to successful investing. Justin uses charts to identify these patterns. He tries to take a simplified approach to technical analysis, as often it produces the most understandable and actionable results. Justin graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He has a free stock screening tool on his site based on stage analysis.
Twitter: @nextbigtrade