Cristiano Veloso: Multi-Nutrient Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture
Cristiano talks about agricultural commodities like potash and why it is essential for world food production. He is the founder and CEO of Verde Agritech, a company that is currently in production and controls one of the world’s largest fertilizer deposits.
Cristiano says the upcoming pre-feasibility study (PFS) will give the market the tools it urgently needs to properly value the company. Sales to North American cannabis and organic markets are helping to get funding for expansions. Cris has one of TSX’s best track record in minimising shareholders dilution from exploration to production and intends to keep his reputation as he keeps growing the company.
He talks about Alysson Paolinelli, a Brazilian agronomic engineer who received the 2006 World Food Prize for his role in transforming the Cerrado area of Brazil into productive farmland. He was instrumental in converting that region which has greatly benefited the world. Mr. Paolinelli, a former Minister of Agriculture, is currently a board member of Verde Agritech and President of the Brazilian Corn Growers Association.
Mr. Veloso discusses his Super Greensand product which is a multi-nutrient and multi-purpose. They have a PFS coming out.
The company will be funded from accumulated cash flow. Cannabis, coffee, and sugar cane production are just some of the existing markets for their product. Growers are looking for products with low or no salinity and for more sustainable ways for improving production.
This product is better for the environment in that it doesn’t have salinity and chloride problems. It helps farmers establish a more sustainable production by improving the soil and growing crops more resistant to pests, diseases, and drought.
Talking Points From This Weeks Episode
• Upcoming PFS to uncover valuation potential
• Cashflow from sales to cannabis and organics markets to help funding first expansion
• Super Greensand is a premium multi-nutrient product with a simple production flow sheet, scoop, crush, grind.
• 3 Billion tonnes resources to support a multi-generational production
Verde Agritech’s YouTube Channel can be found here.
Mr. Cristiano Botelho Veloso is the Founder of Verde Agritech Plc (TSE:NPK, OTCQX:AMHPF), serves as its Chief Executive Officer and President. Mr. Veloso founded Amazon Mining Limited in 2005 and has since led its development. In 2004, he was employed with Eastland Medical Systems Plc working on financing and regulatory issues. From 2000 to 2003, he was employed by Banco do Brasil S.A. in its International Business Development Department and before that, in the Corporate Branch. In 1999, he worked at Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais S.A. (CEMIG), a leading South American energy and gas company. He is a qualified solicitor and a member of the Brazilian Bar Association. He was awarded scholarships by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the British Council (U.K.). He holds a Business Management diploma from Escola Tecnica de Formaçao/SEBRAE, Brazil. Mr. Veloso holds a Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Federal de Minais Gerais, Brazil and a Master of Laws (International Business and Commercial Law) from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom.