Peter Spina: Surviving Another Washout in the Gold Market by Investing Smart
This week, we have a new guest on the show, Mr. Peter Spina. Peter is known for his popular websites and Peter is some what regarded as a pioneer for starting in 1995, at a time when the Internet was still in its infancy. Peter is also known for his knowledge of the precious metals markets and financial markets in general. With the precious metals being as volatile as they have been lately, we thought it would be a great opportunity to get Peter’s take on the current situation. He also shared a very valuable analysis on the Russia/Ukraine situation, which is of high importance to us as investors.
This week, Peter Spina discusses:
● The state of the precious metals markets, and where Peter see the markets heading
● Why Peter is rebalancing his portfolio in this market bottom, and what he has invested in
● Why toll milling in Peru is a great investment vehicle in the current market
● Which small cap Peruvian toll milling company is poised to explode over the coming months and years, and why Peter has made this one of his largest investments! (We are not talking about Dynacor).
● Peter’s take on Russia’s increased strength in world politics, and why it’s crucial for every investor to know what is going on
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