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Andrew O’Donnell: The Next Few Years for the Gold Miners will be Exceptional

Andrew discusses his early career at Merryl Lynch, where he had an intensive course on the markets. There was a steep learning curve, but they taught him how to focus on target stocks and his strengths.

His focus is on long-term positions because it’s challenging to beat trading desks and A.I algorithms. Many countries are buying gold today, and those actions speak louder than words. He tries to read between the lines of stories because many companies and governments have their own motives.

Many young investors today are disillusioned regarding trust and finance, and cryptocurrencies have caught some of that action. History repeats itself, and every time there are voices that believe this time is different.

Some of the deals that have hit the news in recent weeks have been building momentum for investors. There has been a fair bit of M&A activity, which will continue into next year. Smart money is acquiring both gold mining and uranium resources. Few investors have an interest in mining, and when that perspective shifts, it will take off quickly. The fundamentals for mining remain robust as the world needs these metals, and gold will have its day in the sun again.

He looks for strong management with sound financial backing. One good win for him recently was Great Bear Resources, which consistently was hitting milestones.

His focus is on the fundamentals, and for that, he recommends “Security Analysis” by Graham and Dodd along with “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds” by Charles MacKay. He is particularly interested in companies that provide solutions to solving modern problems.

Time Stamp References:
0:40 – Andrews early career at Meryll Lynch
1:45 – Why gold makes sense to Andrew.
3:00 – Lack of critical thinking by investors.
5:15 – Why the world still needs mining.
8:00 – Smart money now investing in good jurisdictions.
11:00 – Why juniors have massive potential.
13:00 – Great Bear Resources.
15:00 – Favorite books and companies.

Talking Points From This Week’s Episode
• His early career, education, and market approach.
• Why mining needs the younger generations.
• Smart money, mergers, and acquisitions.
• Favorite trades and investing lessons.

Andrew O’Donnell is the Managing Director of He was born into a family that lived and breathed the financial industry. Many a family meal involved discussing markets, wealth accumulation, estate planning, tax strategies, and new products and services for companies and families. A graduate of Ridley College, O’Donnell obtained his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario. He began his career in Calgary as an advisor with Standard Life but branched out to include stocks, bonds, and derivatives products when he took his book to Merrill Lynch. The focus was on providing thoughtful planning, high performance, and structured strategies. Throughout his career, O’Donnell has worked at various levels of the financial service industry culminating as a Managing Director of an offshore “captive insurance company” in Barbados, which he created with Willis Canada for a land banking company. He has created structured products and is always looking for innovative, interesting market advantages.

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