Peter Schiff: There Will Be More QEs than Rocky Movies; Bitcoin, FATCA & more…
This week, we are delighted to present a new guest, Mr. Peter Schiff. Mr. Schiff is the President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, a registered broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut. He is also the president of EuroPac Precious Metals, a bullion dealer and EuroPac Bank, an offshore bank headquartered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Mr. Schiff is also the author of “Crash Proof 2.0”, a New York Times Bestseller. In “Crash Proof”, originally published in 2006, Peter correctly predicted the 2008 financial crisis and laid out a compelling case against the US economy and the US Dollar.
In this wide ranging interview with Peter, you’ll discover:
● The Truth About Tapering and Tightening (And why you should bet on QE Infinity)
● How To Fix the US Economy Once and For All
● How FATCA Traps US Citizens in US Dollars
● Why Bitcoin is NOT as good as Gold (Plus Peter’s bearish view on most digital currencies)
● How To Deal with Idiots
● And more!