Gregor Gregersen: More and More Nickel will be Needed for Electric Vehicles
Gregor feels the transition to electric vehicles will continue and that China will begin to dominate the space. The cost of batteries continues to decline, and there will be a point where electric cars will be cheaper than combustion ones. Battery chemistry is slowly improving by using more nickel, which helps to increase their capacity. The market requires high-quality class one nickel, which is relatively scarce. Nickel may soon become just as rare as cobalt is today. He feels there is a lot of upside potential with nickel and little downside risk.
Gold and silver are in a reasonably quiet period at the moment. The reasons for owning gold are still around such as protection from a financial meltdown. He thinks now is an excellent time to buy some physical gold or silver.
He discusses his lending service, which allows investors who have stored gold with Silver Bullion SG to lend or borrow against it. This is a fully collateralized system of secured peer-to-peer loans. They are working on expanding this service with other vaults around the world.
His presentation at Jekyll which will be published soon is about the risks of metal storage. In many cases, investors believe they are entitled or own stored gold assets. In reality, many are unsecured creditors with a limited claim to such assets. As a result, there are a lot of risks in the event of a financial crisis or if their bank has financial problems. It’s essential for investors to look into the specific details and make sure that they are the legitimate owners of their bullion.
Time Stamp References:
1:00 – His view on electric vehicles.
2:30 – Battery chemistry and nickel.
5:00 – Nickel has little downside.
6:00 – Outlook for gold.
7:30 – Lending with gold.
10:00 – Risks of having gold in storage.
Talking Points From This Week’s Episode
• Loans can be taken out against your gold at low interest.
• They are working on expanding their service with other vaults.
• Physical bullion demand is in a bit of a lull.
• Now is an excellent time to purchase some physical bullion assets.
Gregor Gregersen is the founder and owner of Silver Bullion SG and Safe House Depository, a premium bullion dealer and storage facility in Singapore. Gregor has a background in finance and software development. Gregor was a Senior Data Architect for Commerzbank in Germany. He started Silver Bullion Pte Ltd. In April 2009.