Lior Gantz: Explosive Upside Potential for Gold and Silver
Note: The date shown in video is incorrect should read 2019.
Lior agrees that the outlook for Gold and Silver is improving dramatically. Recent market action has resulted in a rebound. In September mining stocks hit 52-week lows, and the regular markets are now entering bear market territory. Inflation is on the rise and many states are hiking their minimum wage. Recent US Dollar strength is actually a bearish sign.
Mining shares need several things to catch a bid. They need interest rates to be trending lower, an unfavorable environment for the stock markets, indications of inflation, and unstable geopolitics.
Silver will outperform gold because of its utility while gold is driven primarily by investor demand. Silver usually moves in tandem with gold, but it can decouple and head significantly higher.
Uranium needs higher oil prices to become incentivized. Countries like China and India continue to develop reactors to become more energy independent. Meanwhile, the U.S. has been importing almost all of it’s uranium, so they need to build more mines. Uranium development requires higher prices; as mining companies will not be interested in uranium while prices are below forty dollars.
The world’s economy is nearly entirely based on debt. Inevitably there will have to be a debt reset, and that is why you must own precious metals. The rise of China is going to speed up the end of the debt era. Proper diversification is key going forward as there are going to be a lot of laggards in the markets. Investors need to diversify and carefully choose stocks not merely buy indexes.
Time Stamp Reference:
1:10 – Current state of precious metal stocks.
2:10 – Recent market sentiment.
2:40 – Interest rates and inflation.
4:00 – Dollar performance and why the outlook is bad.
6:20 – Gold and silver demand picture.
7:30 – Gold silver ratio and potential upsides.
8:30 – Silver will outperform.
10:00 – Uranium sector.
13:25 – Misconceptions about gold.
15:45 – China’s performance in the world and gold.
17:00 – How gold minimizes risk.
Talking Points From This Week’s Episode
• Silver has a lot of built-up potential.
• Central banks are now net buyers of gold.
• China will soon eclipse the United States.
• Most Western countries are effectively bankrupt.
• Discusses why you should hold physical gold.
Lior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and ran numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade in pursuit of thrills and opportunities, gaining valuable knowledge and experience. With Wealth Research Group, Lior allows readers access into the world of the few who beat the markets consistently for decades, thus leveling the playing field of the investment industry. With immense passion and full-force devotion to the readers, Lior’s purpose is to publish content that will have life-long value and allow readers to approach investing with methodic precision and a well-thought-out game plan.
Lior has been actively investing in the markets since the age of 16, and is now bringing the same proven strategies he has implemented himself, and advises people from high-net-worth individuals to subscribers and members. He is an advocate of careful risk management, balanced asset allocation, and proper position sizing. His research is relentless and delivers a unique perspective to investors. As a deep-value investor, Lior loves researching businesses that are off the radar and utterly unknown to most financial publications.
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