Rick Rule: Fed Rate Hike Is A Step In Right Direction; Lithium Boom To Go Bust!
Rick Rule discusses the recent Fed rate hike, calling it a step in the right direction but the gold markets remain largely unaffected as the hike was ‘baked in the cake’. He sees the first signs of issuer capitulation and we are close to the bottom in precious metals, although the bear market will have to be resolved by supply destruction. The US bond market is close to its peak as interest rate hikes decrease yield and demand.
Rick Rule began his career in the securities business in 1974.. He is a leading investor specializing in mining, energy, water, forest products and agriculture. Rick founded California-based Global Resource Investments, Ltd., which grew into a much larger organization with significant affiliated companies. As Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Sprott US Holdings, Inc., Mr. Rule leads a highly skilled team of earth science and finance professionals who enjoy a worldwide reputation for resource investment management.
Talking points from this week’s interview
• The Fed rate hike is a step in the right direction
• Interest rate rises reduce bond yield
• There is a lack of demand for everything
• The bear market will have to be resolved by supply destruction
• The lithium boom is a fad as there is massive supply